Environment and sustainability

An environmentally friendly shipping solution.

Andersen & Mørck Eco-policy

Andersen & Mørck offers environmentally friendly shipping solutions, which provides value both for our customers and for society. We believe in simple solutions adapted to the market’s needs, and we are best at what we do.

At Andersen & Mørck we work hard to create an enjoyable and safe working environment for all employees. We take care of the company’s buildings and materials to prevent strain on the external environment. Our employees strive for access to the best possible conditions, and a general rule of ours is to avoid psychological and physical pressure in their workplace. Employees must be able to influence their own working situation.

Our business is required to be run in such a way that:

  • Everyone has a good and positive working environment
  • We avoid damage to employees, the environment and financial values
  • We promote healthy attitudes and develop a HSE-environment
  • In terms of customers, employees, suppliers and society, our operations are required to be characterised by professionalism and a long-term perspective.

Health, safety and environment

Health, safety and environment is required to be natural at the workplace. Our goals are required to be achieved by continuous improvements. Actively improving work is required for both our management and employees. If we buy services and hire employees, then they are required to receive training in the company’s HSE work, as well as oblige to the safety routines and HSE requirements that are implemented. We create a safe environment and motivation through our activities for our employees.


Andersen & Mørck is required to have a continuous environmental focus. Environmental consideration is the main focus for our purchases and services. We are required to comply with regulatory requirements and our own requirements for a safe workplace. Andersen & Mørck offers environmentally friendly shipping solutions, which provides value both for our customers and for society.

We should deliver a targeted focus when taking environmental considerations into account with purchases, energy consumption and handling waste. These goals has to be achieved through continuous improvements. Our goal is to have a low carbon footprint, with the lowest possible CO2 emissions. Actively improving work is required for both our management and employees.

We must annually document our environmental performance towards both the internal and external environment in an annual climate and environmental report.

Punctual and personal service.

With over 150 years with expertise, your product and goods are safe in our hands, wherever in the world you send them.

Our focus is the customer, and we do everything to find the best solution.